You haven't read many of the posts---nor have you read the private message I have recieved. More than just me, CB, and rassler question the propriety of this "unorganized, private, and personal prayer" conducted in a public school event. Takke your kid and go to church. Do not bring you church to a wrestling tournament.

As for its legality? One, it is against KSHSAA policy to conduct public religous services at a KSHSAA event. KSHSAA sent an email to regional sponsoring schools and tournament managers last year statinfg such. Two, I think under generally accepted laws, schools can designate a time and place for organized/unorganized religously activities. Do not think any school district or individual shool has designated a gym at a regional as the place to holsd a prayer session. I feel confident, if requested, that a district and a school wold gladly have designnated a time and a private place for such a prayer. If we are going to do it, do it right.

Last edited by Contrarian; 02/16/11 08:21 PM.

Bill Mason Lansing