I think it's time for the reffs and others that can set back and let a wrestler get hit with a fist at the state meet at the end of the match and toss him and nothing else happens to him besides a point can be taken from the team score. If this would have been a coach they would have thew him out and would call the police. This happened in the 4A 135 pound weight and not only did he get hit but also in the match hut his arm and had to take sixth. It's time that schools be held responable for a kid during what happened sat. Years ago we had a boy have his front teeth knoted out and the school had to end up paying 2,200.00 for the bill to fix what happened. I think the wrestler that did this and the school should have the guts to at lease tell him there sorry and if the coach is a man he should to.
I want to say thanks for Mike costa from Hiawatha who deserved more than he got for a great weekend.