Your numbers are low on duals, and probably pretty close on state and southern plains, even though you do NOT have to participate in the SP camp, to wrestle SP.

I agree, some kids may miss out because of money. Hopefully they don't miss out because dad isnt' willing to give up his case of beer per night habit, or mom's addiction to shoes...........Or just "having to have" that new car, rather than driving the old beater for a few more years.....

My opinion is that where there is a will, there is a way.

As an example, last weekend, my son took advantage of the opportunity to earn $25 credit towards Fargo, by refereeing at a FS GR tourney. He also has a summer job to help himself out as well.

It is expensive, but not if you look at it as a "big picture". Invaluable lessons and experience to take part in summer wrestling, just like Folkstyle wrestling.

Last edited by doug747; 04/18/11 06:42 PM.