I think our morning weigh-in for a 7pm dual needs to be addressed. This only causes our high school kids to cut more weight than they would if they had 1 hour weigh-in. I know we don't want kids holding weight for the entire day and don't want it to affect classroom studies but I would argue that morning weigh-ins for 7pm dual hurts the high school athletes even more. With a morning weigh-in athletes hold their weight down the entire day before and then after weigh-in the next morning it takes kids all day to recover for a 7pm dual. So now as it stands a high school kid cuts more weight and is worthless for 2 days if not more. 1 hour weigh-ins don't lie, kids are forced to do it the right way so they can be healthy and compete 1 hour later.

College meets are all 1 hour weigh ins for duals and meets for this reason. 1 hour weigh-in has taken a lot of the extreme weight loss out of the college level. In return you have healthier young men. These athletes still go to class and have to perform academically as well.

I always think it is funny when a high school dual is rescheduled due to whatever reason and the weigh-in is pushed up to 1 or 2 hours prior to wrestling. Funny how the big weight cutters on the team are all wrestling up a weight for the dual. Not all but many kids do cut too much weight in Kansas and are doing it by not being healthy.

there are ways around a hydration test / ways to get doctors notes. 1 hour weigh-in is a legitimate way to help young kids maintain a healthy lifestyle.