So your saying I should make my son wrestle middle school even though he doesn't want to? There are things that you should and shouldn't force on your kids and in our case wrestling middle school is not one of them. I don't think this decision will affect his well being.

I totally get and understand the team concept thing and so does my son. To clear things up about wrestling with his future high school team mates, well he can't because he will be attending a different high school next year, at least I hope so.

As far as being selfish? Well we'll let all of you be the judge of that. Last time I checked they didn't give out a team championship or individual championship for middle school wrestling. As a parent/coach I will guide and support my son down the road that he wants to take in wrestling. This year HE decided not to wrestle middle school and I will support him.

Finally, something to ponder:
Would you rather have wrestled double digit matches and won every one without being scored upon and totally dominating your opponents? or Wrestle that same number of matches and having lost a few along the way and being pushed in the others?