Originally Posted By: Chief Renegade
Originally Posted By: ReDPloyd
You should try to do what is best for the team as long as it is not detrimental to the wrestler's health.

Originally Posted By: ReDPloyd
I would think that if you can move down and win any challenge thrown at you in practice, then you should earn that spot and someone else move up.

Are those two different things?


I suppose I muddied the waters a little bit with these two statements. We all know that wrestlers still adjust their weight to get to where they want to be, or assume they need to be. The point I was trying to make is that if the wrestler chooses to go down in weight, and they have the extra room to do it in a healthy manner, then I don't have an issue with it. If they don't have the extra girth to shed and still try to drop, they should reconsider. From my personal experience, they have a good chance to do just as well if not better if they stay at the weight their body is built for.

Lee Girard