Originally Posted By: PurpleDad
Is this wrestler of the year?....or high school career?

Seems to me to be a different thing...reminds me of Outstanding Wrestler voting at tournaments....before the finals start ballots are being collected for the award...reputation, popular, name recognition....call it what you want, does not pass the smell test.

Is it possible for a Senior who has had a "average" career (no State placing, but winning record) to "come from nowhere" and dominate their weight/classification win State and be considered? My guess is no...

Honestly, it is sort of like OW at a tournament. I have never seen any published criteria but every state champion is the WOY in their class and weight. Then I guess you could look at the All Class rankings to narrow that down to the 14 best. Then you could narrow it down to seniors only. Still you have many outstanding wrestlers. I think you have to factor in who they beat this year, what kind of schedule did they wrestle, and if it is still close then you have to look at their career to break the tie. That is how I would do it. If you aren't ranked the best in your weight class in the state then you shouldn't be considered for Senior wrestler of the year. JMO

Will Cokeley