Originally Posted By: Cokeley
Originally Posted By: PurpleDad
Is this wrestler of the year?....or high school career?

Seems to me to be a different thing...reminds me of Outstanding Wrestler voting at tournaments....before the finals start ballots are being collected for the award...reputation, popular, name recognition....call it what you want, does not pass the smell test.

Is it possible for a Senior who has had a "average" career (no State placing, but winning record) to "come from nowhere" and dominate their weight/classification win State and be considered? My guess is no...

If you aren't ranked the best in your weight class in the state then you shouldn't be considered for Senior wrestler of the year. JMO

So if someone has an outstanding senior year and wins his class but wasn't ranked as such they shouldn't be considered? Doing something like that would seem to me more outstanding if people didn't think you could .. and rankings never mean't anything just nice to talk about, results are what count. No one remembers what you were ranked your senior year.

Hey Butt-Head what did people do before they invented TV?
Don't be stupid Beavis there's always been TV, there's just more channels now.
Oh yeah, heh heh hehe... progress is cool. Heh hehe heh