So, I have been on this forum either following it or providing my opinions for a little over 5-6 years now. As I was reading the current littany of subjects on the high school forum I had an epiphany (now those of you that know me, you know I had to get help on that word...ha!)....

This forum serves a useful is the modern day, old guys coffeeshop. You know, where all of us old, beat up, broken guys go to relive our glory days, offer our sage wisdom and advice whether it is wanted or not, and most importantly engage in heated debate about some not so important subjects that mean the world to all of us!

I really love coming to this coffeeshop everyday and seeing all of you. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Can't wait to see you at the wrestling tournaments in 2012 and most importantly....I look forward to us solving the problems of the world in 2012 (well at least the wrestling there any other?)!

Shawn Budke