
As usual, you have some valid points, but, as usual, your message gets lost and discounted because of the tone. I have the same problem. I used to complain every year that the assignment "system" was no system at all but rather a buddy system. I probably would have done better to be a buddy.

Who has the ability to change the system if its broken? Isn't it the coaches? If you have any sway and influence over the coaches, get them to demand a rotating system of assignments. While it would be laudable if officials, as a group, saw the benefits of sharing the wealth, but that's not human nature when money is involved. Or, if you can only convince a couple coaches that you are on to something enlist their help and have them pick new guys. For example, get the Basehor coach, etc., to ask for a half dozen new faces next year for his tournament.

Right now under the current "system", any coach has the ability to tell the league assignor not to send an official to that school, for any reason or for no reason, and the assignor will comply. If the wrestling coaches, particularly those whose schools host the big, two day, tournaments, want to get young blood on the mat all they have to do is demand that it happen.

Over the years there have been younger officials, or officials from other parts of the country, show up on the scene and if they were good officials they did indeed work up in the system when openings occurred. So while there may be a pervasive "grandfathering" of assignments, true quality officials will rise to the top.

Finally, from where I sit, the officials that are working the most are the best, but that only makes sense. They are good because they get to work the most matches --practice makes perfect.

Last edited by Rford; 01/11/12 01:19 AM.