A good source of info I was given to by an old ref quite a few years ago:


A tough job that to many take for granted. As a side note, I've found HS refs for the most part are a lot better then most of the kids refs, but like anything, people make mistakes. I've seen some bad HS refs too!

At the same time I try to live by the saying "never critize a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins."

A lot of the kids coaches look rediculous arguing calls at kids tourneys...just saying from an observation. You can't argue judgement calls, thats just the way it is. It's a human judgement, based on what they saw, not what you think you saw. And that's ok. In the end it's still kids wrestling, hopefully it's some good mat time for kids that may or not maybe strong when they're in HS, hopefully strong and helping their HS team. Hopefully not disenchanted with wrestling because things didn't go their way and a coach or parent told them it was the refs fault and not theirs even though it was that close for the ref to call. Kids need to know if it's close and the ref makes a call that doesn't go their way and they lose a match, it's their fault it was that close.

Keep them accountable for their performance. It's not about wins or losses, but about how you perform. If you perform to the best of your ability then regardless if you win or lose, you wrestled well. In wrestling as in life, you will lose some close ones and you will win some close ones. People get caught up in the Wins or Losses and if a ref pushed it towards a loss, they look to blame them. Wrestling gives a tough platform to help kids get good training for life. You must pick yourself up after a loss and not blame anyone else, like a ref. Tough sport this wrestling. Wished my kid would have played tennis sometimes. smile

B. Star
Lawrence, KS
Sunflower Kids Wrestling Club
"Rivals on the mat, friends in life"