I would agree with the some officials comming to the mat with an attitude. As far as the head ref playing a role in this, some tournaments I would say yes, but I feel the head ref at Salina was very respectful toward questions or concerns brought to him and he seemed to help out in anyway he could.

Back to some of the refs having attitudes. I witnessed some of these attitudes first hand this weekend some mats I was coaching and some I was just watching. For example, I questioned a call toward the end of the tourn. in the medal rounds, and the first answer I recieved from this official was "you think this is actually what you saw". then the official told me that if this was a 10 or 12 yr old it would be a good question but since this was a 6U match I should not bring it up. When I informed him that since this was TOC it should not matter of age, I got an official warning and he laughed and walked off. Another example, I was watching a match which I had no connection with either wrestler, and seen a ref. roll his eyes at a coach from the center of the matt at give him a thumbs up (being sarcastic) when a coach asked a question. This to me is very un-proffesional.

Now on a positive note. The officiating at Salina was probaly some of the best overall that I feel we have seen this year, but a few bad apples or atttitudes give many good refs bad names.

And before anyone ask, no I have never been an offical and no I wouldnt want their job, as wrestling is a very emotional sport for athletes, and coaches. But I do feel a referee should stay professional in the heat of the moment. They are there to keep the match under control not be on a power trip.

Lance Geyer