I think this kind of criticism is just wrong.

First, my son lost an early match on a judgment call. Over to the back-side with tons of matches to even try to place. So what! Maybe the official blew it, maybe not. It's part of the sport.

If someone really has such a problem with an official he needs to get his name or ID number and take it up with the tourney director. Have clear examples of why the official is sub-standard and should not be invited back. Criticize the tourney if they hire the poor official the next year.

But none of these guys/gals should have to see their identities (implicitly or explicitly) listed in a talk-forum and then be criticized by posters.

General discussions about what officials should do or how they should address questions from coaches is one thing. Specific identification of the officials and complaints are another.

This is wrong. If you have such a big problem with an official, man-up and actually do something about it. Follow a mature procedure to make your point to the people that count.