Originally Posted By: Joe Knecht
Originally Posted By: Bronco Wrestler
If he's off the hips and working to turn the bottom wrestler with a variety of moves (ie. not just a 2on1 or a half w/ a spiral ride) then it should be the bottom guy pretty plain and simple.

You are saying if they are out to the side and running a spiral (half, claw, whatever) to the head; that is stalling? I've rarely (not sure if I've ever seen it called prior to this weekend in Salina) seen this called, even at the college level.

I could understand that position if he was behind and covering hips, but no when he's out to the side/front working for the turn.

Joe, if he is SPIRAL RIDING (ie. just riding) and not really attempting to turn the bottom wrestler he is stalling just as he would be if he were riding parallel (ie. covering the hips).

Covering the hips was the wrong language to use when I first worded the response, the better response would be if he was riding parallel.

You have to be physically working to turn the opponent while at the same time not preventing the other wrestler from attempting to improve his position if that makes any sense.

Remember I'm just one of many opinions and not necessarily right, and probably wrong but willing to share some insight.


Alex R. Ryan
KSHSAA Official #15616
USAWKS Official #707