A couple of years ago, Clark Conover, whose brother coaches in Iowa, gave me this info as a suggestion for a rule change. He told me that this rule change has totally revitalized the sport of wrestling up there. Schools are able to add more weeknight duals, which in turn has made it more spectator friendly. This would be in place of the 30 competition points.
• Each school is permitted a maximum of fifteen (15) competition dates before the regional tournaments. There are no restrictions on how many schools may compete on any of the 15 dates as long as NFHS rules regarding the number of times each wrestler can compete in on day are not violated <<<for Kansas, it would be the 5-matches-in-a-day rule>>>. A two-day tournament counts as one competition / weigh-in date, even though wrestlers must weigh-in each day of the tournament.
• The date limitation pertains to individuals, as well as teams. (Example: A school may have 15 varsity dates, 15 JV dates, 15 9th grade dates, etc. The meet contract should stipulate which level(s) of competition is/are being wrestled. An individual wrestler can only compete on a total of 15 dates during the regular season. However, they may have multiple matches during on contest. A wrestler cannot be entered in two competitions at the same time.)
Either going along with this recommendation or as an option would be these rules:
• There shall be no exhibition matches. All matches shall be contracted.
• A wrestler shall not participate in JV and varsity competition against the same school, in the same contest.

Gifted Teacher
Head Wrestling Coach, Louisburg High School
Director of Coaches Development, USAWKS