Combing 128 654A schools into three 42 1/3 school classes presents real difficulties in bracketing.

If I have read the KSHSAA Classes correctly, the 16 largest 3A schools all have enrollments above 200 students--the remaining 47 3A schools less than 200 students. 200 seems to be a natural break point. But, don't know much about 321A wrestling so can't really comment on how it would effect their state tournament. If 48 school scheme adopted, as you said, folks out west would just have to accept it. Also, many of the 3A schools that would be reclassed to 4A, in the last 10-15 years were forced down to 3A from 4A by the construction of new, bigger HSs. They had/have a tradition of competing in 4A.

Bill Mason Lansing