I would imagine the problem was not them, it was technically us. From what I saw yesterday, this appeared to be a classic case of traffic overload. The server can only handle so many requests at once, and any requests over that limit result in the "This page is temporarily unavailable." notice. Now, it may be they don't have enough server space, or their service provider was having problems, that is something they would have to answer.

From what I have gleamed from the respective sites of Track Wrestling and Preferred Educational Software, they offer the same service with a different approach. Track Wrestling appears to be a web-based program that charges by the tournament, while PES is a PC-based software that charges by the license. I could be wrong, but this would mean that the PES software would be the much more financially valid long term solution. The costs look to be about the same for the first year of use, but while the PES program would drop to near zero the consecutive years the Track Wrestling option would stay the same (~$2500) every year.

I for one, was not satisfied with the service offered. If I was in charge I would discuss my concerns with PES before changing providers. I would also like to remind everyone that this is entirely for our convenience. 30 years ago we had to wait until someone got to phone (no cells, remember those days?) to hear the results, or see them in the paper. Now we want to see a few words on a screen RIGHT NOW, and if it doesn't work it ruins our day.