Just so you know:

Champions are the only guaranteed spots. We want champs to wrestle champs. If a champ is not available, the next best kid is offered. There will always be a possible difference in oppinion who the next best is.

At the state tournaments, finalists were given a sheet to fill out if they were interested in wrestling in the Senior Classic. If they filled the sheet out and turned it in, we belive we made every possible effort to contact those athletes.

There are alot of variables that go into the selection process. There is alot of information that does not need to be public information-ie, injuries, refusal to wrestle, refusal to wrestle a particular weight or opponent- whatever. These young men have committed to wrestle in this event for the entertainment of the Kansas wrestling community. Please dont diminish the merrit of their selection because "you" would like to see something different. You may not know the entire situation as above in the thread with another athlete.

As a teacher, coach and parent, I would never discuss your son with another parent, and I wont condone that behavior on a talk forum either. If you feel the need to question the selection process, please call me personally instead of possibly slandering a young man on a public forum.

I hope the fans enjoy the best matches that the selection committe for the KWCA could put together for the start of a great kids state tournament. Good luck to all.

James Renfro