Originally Posted By: Kit Harris
I didn't even know what bloviating meant, had to look that one up. Thanks for helping me learn a new word.

Hehehe! Neither did I. wink It was quite interesting. Unfortunately I will not use it, therefore I will not retain it. But . . . impressive vocab Richard!

Now . . . you might want to work on your logic skills within light of your concept of one 'validating their opinion'.

What exactly do you mean by that Richard? In my book, validating one's opinion is giving one's 'proofs' for their concluding inductive argument. They are sharing why they believe what they believe. I thought that is what grown men are suppose to do. Am I missing something?

Let the continuation of semantics continue . . . as long as it is wrestling related!

Enlighten me more King Richard! laugh

D. Dean Welsh, Junction City
***Dean plays well with others!!! ;-)