Since this thread has mentioned it a number of times...poor officiating..unprofessinalism..etc.(which I see and do agree), what aspects do you coaches, parents, and wrestlers (if need be) like to see in officials. I myself am an official and I am always asking coaches what they like about my stye of what I need to improve on. If you coaches or parents know of a "good offical" get the names out so they can be watched and emulated. I do try my best on evey single match..I feel wrestlers are expected to give 110% therefore snce I chose to be there and I am getting paid I should give even more. I have my phiilosophies I try to use and go by when I officiate. Beleieve me as a coach..I do my damnest to make sure the officail does thier job to their fullest. Please provide feedback on the officials on likes or dislikes. Looks like Bockman started a thread titled.."refs". or pm me..cause I want to provide the highest quality possible when I am on the mat for the wrestlers.

Thanks, ( & be

Scott Schroeder