My son also got hurt in the finals he was winning 2-0 in 2nd period he got landed on his shoulder with all of the weight of the other kid and to his back was crying and fight for 20 secs. not laying his other shoulder down the ref stoped it and gave 3 pts and i said no its 4 pts checked on Devin he said I think its broke. I took care of him he was hurting to bad to finish so he inj default. We iced of 15 mins i looked at it and yes he was correct. He had to wait 20 mins so his brother could wrestle in the finals also before we could leave. He started to cry again when Dalton was to start wreslting it was because he couldn't see from where he was sitting so we moved him up to matside. After his brother was done went and got an x-ray yes broken collar bone done for the yr. So proud of him not to just give up and get pinned then wanting to stay and watch his brother. I love my boyz win or lose. DAD