XGHSWC.. (not sure where your son goes to school) there will be administrators that will not allow it to happen. Many more jobs will be on the line then just a coach or expulsion of a kid from school. This situation will cause all sorts of feelings. Private schools have rules set in place that our great sport cant change. Only thing is before someone goes to one specifically to compete in a sport they need to be told what could happen. If you know up front this could happen then it is on you. I personally have never believed girls should be wrestling boys at all but unfortunately I have lost that battle as both states I have coached in allowed it to happen. That is the only way this situation doesnt happen. Your not going to change the Catholics view on it. This is a perfect situation that proves it isnt healthy for our sport. Take up the equal sex rights somewhere else in the adult world and keep from hurting the innocents of youth. Is BS but is something that just needs to be thought of as keeping the hurt as little as possible.