This was a unfortunate situation that some choices and policies made by those old enough and mature enough should have been smart enough to not let happen. We all know that the bracket could have wrestled as it should have been wrestled. One young man competed all season long, making weight, practicing for one thing in mind to make it to state. He was robbed the winnable opportunity when the bracket was blown up. This is a complete mistake by our sport. It definitely changed the score of the tournament, the placings of individuals, and it will effect the state tournament. The church and the state caused the predicament but adults should have done the right thing. Doing things that do the most for the team or a trophy sometimes is not the right thing to do no matter how hard it is to do. She should have had the opportunity to earn her state birth with a win she had a chance to win. But her qualification will always be remembered as a fluke that shouldn't have happened. Yes the two catholic schools knew the rules and what could possibly happen but again things could have been done to work for the greater good while teaching a great lesson to everyone involved and most importantly the kids. Wins, medals, trophies, pay backs, all of it mean nothing if we fail our youth and our sport. The same consolation semi match would have happen if she walked out and forfeited before Gabe Gooch had to forfeit it could have easily been worked out. But I am sure some hard feelings and justifiable hard feelings probably at that, egos, pride, you name it came into play and brought a decision that seen by a lot was ok. It was by the rules ok, but was it best for the overall situation. In my opinion not. It is all done and nothing can be changed but the State and or the Church need to spend some time getting things right so this predicament never happens again. I really hope these statements do not anger people, it is not the intention of the post. The intent is to try and remind people we are here for the kids and sometimes a black and white approach should not be taken. There are options that are there if we just make the tough calls to use them.