I have no issue's with The Church, negative or positive, besides what has transpired over the last couple days. I just call it like I see it. The kids signed on being able to participate, and half way through the season were told they could not. Two wrestlers missed the opportunity to battle for a true placing at Regionals and a trip to State. Two wrestlers were forced to add a loss to their record. Public Schools were upset because, in their opinion, once again Private Schools do not have to follow the same rules. These are just a few of the problems that the "Man" in charge has created. And if anyone speaks ill of the church they will be punished? Defend him if you want, but this man has hurt this sport, the wrestlers, the coaches, the parents, and public opinion. Something needs to be done so this does not happen again. I can think of at least 6 kids that were hurt from this decision, and that is 6 too many.

Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary