Quick question why is it wrong for a parent to use their right to enroll their child in what ever private institution they feel is best for their child. We don't have to agree with whatever religious choices they or the church make. But if you feel strong enough and want to actually point the "by the rules blame" it all falls on the shoulder on the big boys of the Kansas High School Association. Does any of your taxes pay for their funding? If so you should have a voice. Private schools are "private". If you could afford it and your son wanted to be in the best room available would you say no? Just as I was asked if my daughter wanted to wrestle would I say no? To many people seem to use the rules or beliefs when it suits them best but not all the time. This situation better wake the state up into doing something, if they don't they are true hypocrites when the say the care about the kids.. Don't let the negative effects of this situation happen without anything done. Future kids shouldn't have to deal with this in the future.

Tim King