Peanut, you routinely post acidic remarks. I’m not sure if your Freudian-moniker ‘Peanut’ is related to your mind or your manhood. My kid goes to Aquinas. I love Aquinas. St. James is our rival. Cokeley is not a friend or enemy of mine. He is an acquaintance that I have said ‘hello’ to the roughly five times that I have seen him because I respect what Cokeley has accomplished for this awesome sport. Although Cokeley might be considered a controversial person, I thought that there was no informed wrestling parent in our area that did not acknowledge & appreciate Cokeley’s time & efforts & RESULTS invested into making wrestling a much better sport for all Kansas kids to enjoy. I am certainly thankful for what Cokeley has done to advance this tremendous sport that I never participated in as a kid but have come to love as a dad.

I’m not sure why you “watched Cokeley prance into the gym”. I’m proud to say that I have never checked-out how a guy walks in my entire life.
Why would you even bother noticing who is standing & who is sitting at a tournament??? Not only do you bother to notice this totally-petty, non-event, but then you take the time to write it as if it is of any consequence to anyone besides you.

People that anonymously write trifling, acidic remarks and then claim that they need to remain anonymous because, as you wrote later “I don’t want to be in the spot light” are lying - at least to themselves. We are just a bunch of dads that talk about the great sport of wrestling on this forum. I guarantee that a bunch of paparazzi will not start following you once you own up to your routinely bitter remarks. You should either man-up & sign your name or keep your negative, petty observations for the sole enjoyment of your own dinner table. I hope I don’t find myself wasting my time reading another wrestling-post about which dads stand & which sit, how cute that they walk or what outfit they were wearing.

Kevin Perz

Last edited by KevinP; 02/17/13 05:12 PM.