Josh, old school is not always the best school. (don't hit me, I break). If you take the Bobcat for example and you wait until two hours before the tourney starts and try to weigh in all those kids, reshuffle the brackets for the kids that don't make weight, have a seeding meeting reflecting all of those changes, and then we would start the first day about two o'clock instead of 11:30. For tourneys of that size, it is just almost a physical impossibility to do that.

I was involved with thirty two state tourneys in my time, and I never ever understood why anyone worries about making weight for the second day. I have always thought that everyone should make weight the first day shoulder to shoulder, and then to hell with it. Let them eat, let them wrestle strong and be done with it. Why starve them all day long on the biggest baddest day of their wrestling life and have them walk out on the mat for the semi finals calorie down and in the worst possible shape to wrestle that match. I say make them make weight on Friday and make it the last time. They will never do that, but they will also never be able to come up with a valid reason why they have that second weigh in besides the obligatory "because we always have". Ok now you can hit me. By the way, good luck this weekend and I will see you at 4:00 on Sunday. Call me.

Last edited by Westfahl; 02/18/13 05:04 AM.