Rief Chenegade-

I know you have a tough job doing the rankings. I feel for you, as it's a thankless job...but while you're making corrections, I have to stick up for #TeamTopHat here. The fact that they're not ranked in the Top 10 at this point in the year makes me think that it was not you, but your alter-ego Dr. SillyPants McGee who was responsible for this week's Top 10 list.

Before you laugh your old friend Prant out of the forum, peep this: I know that the top-hatted grapplers of Ol' Rooal beat Lawrence (#7) in a dual earlier this season, even though WR was missing several starters. (I'm sure Lawrence was, too. Them's the breaks.) If, however, your rankings are based not on dual prowess, but tournament performance, then I am puzzled as to why Wichita Heights (#10) is ranked, as Washburn Rural beat them just last week at regionals.

Individually, I would love to see #TeamTopHat's own Weston Mikoleit get some love at 132. I mean, the guy is 18-2 and a regional champ, and he's been unranked since returning from injury. His wrestling ability is simply Prant-like (but quicker, more technically proficient, and with a significantly better record). And I firmly believe that anyone whose ability is labeled "Prant-like" is a rankable individual.

Just because #TeamTopHat's coach is too large for belts and totally demolishes all hospitality rooms is no reason to hold it against his wrestlers, Rief. Do the right thing and give #TeamTopHat some love.

Prant Garker