Well put Isaac. You handled that situation like a champion. This was very unfortunate for both wrestlers involved. Continue to set goals and try to achieve them, and continue to have fun with this sport. I think that is the overall goal. I know that Isaac was not trying to hurt anyone, I personally think that it was a iffy call at best. My little brother Sharky wrestled with the same goal as Isaac his sophomore year, to become the single season takedown record holder, and achieved it as well. He wanted to be the best wrestler on his feet ever in the state of Kansas. Isaac comes from the same mindset as Shark. This style of wrestling is not meant to embarrass anyone, just to improve every time you are on the mat, even at the state tournament. I know that this will be a minor setback to Isaac, who as most know has bigger goals than being a Kansas high school state champion. Isaac is going to be one of the best wrestlers ever to come out of Kansas, he is on a different level than 99% of the wrestlers in this state, sometimes that means setting goals different than most. Unfortunately, trying to do something that no one in the history of Kansas wrestling has ever achieved before cost him another goal, a chance at being a 4X champ. I know that a lot of people have said, “its state, you go out there and pin him”, I understand the point that you are trying to make, but some people want more. I am not trying to call anyone out or offend anyone, just defending a 16 yr old kid that I have known since he started this sport and my father coached in his younger years. He is a good kid, key word being kid, that handled this situation with humility and like a true champion and came back to get third. Congrats to him and his grandfather who also handled this very admirably. Looking forward to watching Isaac do great things this spring and summer.

Clint Slyter, Assistant Wrestling Coach Olathe North

Clint Slyter
Olathe North High School Assistant Coach
KCTC Coach