Originally Posted By: KevinP
Mr. Mathis;

For now the THIRD time in your points #4 & #6, you intentionally choose to misquote young Isaac. The post that Isaac agreed with stated:

"Watch a real good kid against a not so talented one....I have seen a lot of injuries to the better kid due to the awkwardness of the lesser skilled guy who may go the wrong way on a move" UNQUOTE!!
It is not a case of "the kid is plain arrogant in my book. Thats why Im calling him out" (WOW MATHIS, IS THERE ANY LIMIT TO YOUR DESIRE TO VERBALLY ATTACK A KID) - BUT YOUR ENTIRE RANT IS BASED UPON YOUR OWN LIE. Please "carefully read & comprehend" BEFORE you attack a kid.

Isaac & Entophobics say (as a general observation) that lots of times THE B-E-T-T-E-R KID GETS INJURED - yet, for the third time now, you choose to continue to manipulate Isaac's words as if: 1) he said the opposite & 2) even if he said the opposite as you keep alleging (he didn't) that you somehow knew he directed anything at this specific unfortunate incident.

Isaac feels very bad that the young man got hurt. Why do you keep attacking this kid? Stop attacking Isaac in general, but especially on the basis of this TOTALLY FALSE pretense that you concocted.


Kevin Perz

Mr. Perz.

Interesting you say I'm misquoting posts,

Here's the full post the Entophobic posted"

"In hindsight though...I think the other kid didn't know what to do when his arm was trapped so it got awkward. Watch a real good kid against a not so talented one....I have seen a lot of injuries to the better kid due to the awkwardness of the lesser skilled guy who may go the wrong way on a move."

Notice how you conveniently took off the first part of the quote, the one about the Salina Cenral kid now knowing what to do do when he was in an awkward situation. And your say I'm misquoting and manipulating the facts. Why don't you post the whole comment. I think a little of that might be going on from you.

I'll concede a little that Isaac's comment, (that was removed from the sight already) might of been miscontrued either way. Is he agreeing with just the fact that the better wrestler gets hurt sometimes or that the Salina Central kid got hurt because he was awkward. Maybe both.

And also heres my point # 4. And why do you think this is attacking Isaac? Again, miscomprehension by Perz.
My opinion, he did not get hurt due to the awkwardness of his skill level.

Isaac might be a kid, but he got online and gave his opinion knowing that it would be subject to scrutiny. I can live with my opinions beign attacked just like you're attacking me now. Is there a forum rule that says we can't comment on someones opinion if that individual is below 18.

I would apologize the comment "on arrogance" if he would clarify his quote about the awkward wrestlers getting hurt. (The one which is removed) .

"If pro is the opposite on con, then the opposite of progress is congress"