
You call team championships, etc "hick" mentality...not sure what that means. In my post I was only trying to point out that there additional considerations other than just individually focused goals or agendas that impact a decision like this.

I still see this just the same as kids having the choice to wrestle Cadets or Juniors. We do not limit Cadets that are in high school and force them to have to wrestle Junior age group if they have placed at high school state or are a Fargo All American....why should we do it at the state level?

If anyone that supports the idea of making 14U hs state placers have to wrestle in the HS division gets on here and is willing to say they think it should change at the National level with Cadets and Juniors too then I will start to consider changing my opinion and vote. I don't think I will hear that idea supported by those folks.

Shawn Budke