
That is not a true statement! We have a whole bunch of stud 8th graders this year that are going to be Cadets. When they go to Fargo or Regionals or Freestyle/Greco State they will compete against High School kids that still meet the age requirements to be a Cadet. If a freshman in high school meets the age requirments to be a Cadet, they have a choice. They can compete as a Cadet or as a Junior.

Given the logic you supported in earlier posts, you should support a national rule that only allows Cadets to be non-high schoolers that meet the age requirement to be a Cadet. Based on what you have stated, it would be really unfair to make the 8th grade Cadets have to wrestle these kids because they have had a year of high school practice and mat time. Just think how much more experienced the high school cadet is having wrestled at Fargo and potentially All Americaned at Fargo?

My point is that these seem very similar, if not exactly similar to me. Given that, I don't see the folks that support changing our state rule clamoring or making noise to change it at the national level.

Heck, I would even argue that if we change the rule to the way you and Will want, we are doing our first year Cadets (8th graders) a huge disservice by not letting them wrestle the really good high school state placing freshman. Thus, not helping prepare them for what they are going to see during the Freestyle/Greco season at state, regionals, and Fargo.
