"As long as it is a move to make some feel better without fixing the overall problem…I will never vote for it."

You might find this an interesting piece of material that discusses leadership in wrestling. Bottom line is that our leadership in Kansas has a doggone job to do. Report back to the community what the options are and let the community have some input in this. Watching 4 kids from D4 walk into the state tournament without ever having to win a match is an embarrassment.

Terry Brands on the future of wrestling


“If the IOC talks, you listen,” Brands said. “You open your ears and you follow the protocol. Whether you think it’s right or wrong, you have got to do that job. It’s not sucking up to them, it’s not playing the game. It’s doing your doggone job.”

Brands said this about Rich Bender, the executive director of USA Wrestling:

“This is something that’s beyond him. I don’t say that to attack him. I’m friends with him. But if we want to do the right thing there has to be a leadership change domestically, and that’s the bad news. There hasn’t been. He’s hanging on, he’s going through the motions, kind of doing what they tell him to do. And there needs to be a change.

Bret Stouder