Originally Posted By: Spexy
I was also there. You yelling from the stands is no different than a parent mat side. Quote, "are you coaching or wrestling?"(which came from you), on a injury time.
Who cares! If you get poked in the eye and need time, it's the coaches choice to talk to his wrestler and use all the time needed. Not for a spectator to, belittle the situation.
Pretty sure Buckbee, would do the same.


If your going to quote me, quote me correctly. wink What I said was "Are we injured or are we coaching? Let's wrestle!" Glover had obviously been poked in the eye, by no fault of him or the other wrestler. This stuff happens, and that is what injury time is for. But when the eye was better 15 seconds into the time out and the kid is ready to go back to the mat let him. Grabbing his headgear and coaching him for another 45 seconds to a minute is going to draw a heckle from the stands. Which is no different than fans screaming for 2 when they think a takedown has occurred. My remark was to the official to help the match along. Glover is a great kid that comes from a great family. There was no disrespect intended toward him, hell I think he was ready to go back and wrestle sooner, he just couldn't.

I still say fans belong in the stands or against the wall. NOT MAT SIDE!!!!

Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary