It's unbelievable to me that we are even having this conversation! Parents these kids are going to take over the world someday, please make sure that they are ready. They don't need you in their corner, or at mat side during a tournament. Beeson is absolutely right, coaches need to take control. I have coached youth sports (wrestling, football, and baseball) for over 15 years. Parents are not allowed in the wrestling room, at mat side, on the football sidelines, or in the dugout. Further more I have team rules that prohibit a parent to carry a players gear. We try to teach our kids to be responsible and mature enough (yes even at 8-9yrs old) to make sure they have all the gear, drinks, etc. that they will need to compete through that game or match. I realize, it's a little different, when working in a public school system, than it is for a private club or team, but parents should be supportive from the stands. Let the coaches do their job, and let you kids grow up.

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"