Originally Posted By: John Johnson
Originally Posted By: Beeson

The only way I could go with True Second is if we added a twist. If you lose the Second Place Match, you are beat out of the tournament and everyone else moves up the ladder. Two losses means you are beat out, even if it is for True Second.

Did you just say that, so the 4th place wrestler, who just lost his 2nd match to the 3rd place wrestler is now 3rd?????????

No, the 3rd place wrestler is either going to be in 2nd or beat out. So naturally we would move 4th to 3rd since 3rd is no longer in the tournament. It makes just as much sense as wrestling for True Second don't you think?

Or the idea I like the best. Once you lose two matches you are done and do not place. This would get rid of 4th, 5th, and 6th. It would give us a real reason to wrestle for True Second, only first and second could place. Third would no longer matter either, because with a True Second, the third place wrestler would lose two and by definition be beat out of the tournament.

With this reasoning, I can see a REAL NEED to wrestle for a TRUE SECOND.

Last edited by Beeson; 03/27/14 01:23 AM.

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