Originally Posted By: Coach Beck
I completely agree with Beeson. If we want our athletes to be the best, we need them to witness what the best looks like. The NCAA Division 1 tournament is the pinacle of our folkstyle sport, and our kids need to be able to see what that entails. We all know also that watching it on tv doesn't remotely cover all that the tournament consits of. Athletes at the kids and high school levels are awestruck when they enter thier respective state arenas. Even attending the NCAA tournament (or Fargo for that matter) will bring that level of awe to a level of context. The tournament is a manageable car ride 3 of the next 5 or so years in STL, and we need to give our athletes the option of attending. Football doesnt schedule games on superbowl weekend that I'm aware of, why are we? I could be hijacking this post, but it's something to look at, SOON. I would also be VERY supportive of just going back to back weekends for districts and state to get all of the kids done before the majority of spring breaks, and allow those dedicated to all styles either a break, or more training before the Frestyle/Greco season begins.

One of the benefits I hope to achieve from this tournament is to provide it as a BETTER alternative for our HS wrestlers so they don't have to be concerned about wrestling in the Kids series... I want to make it the BEST choice. Let the market determine what works best. I agree with all that you have said about the NCAA's and there are several of us on a mission to end the state series for ALL age groups before the NCAA's and spring break.

Will Cokeley