Originally Posted By: Chief Renegade
Originally Posted By: Beeson
SEPTEMBER 26??? That's a full two months before the season starts. Nothing like getting a jump on the season and changing the rankings over 100 times before they even step on the mat.

"Pre-season" rankings necessitate that they be released prior to the start of the season. In order to increase perspicuity, I will attempt to list the wrestlers at their closest anticipated weight class.
Your arrogance has never been more perspicuous.

As in most all wrestling matters I find myself once again siding with my friend Chad Beeson. Inasmuch as KSHSAA organized practice sessions shall not begin prior to November 17, 2014 and the first date of competition shall not be prior December 01, 2014, a request on or about November 01, 2014 should allow sufficient time to assimilate all relevant information to accomplish the goal of providing lucid pre-season rankings.

Richard D. Salyer