It's not staying in ny it changes every year.

Start the season earlier like the rest of the states.

The number of wrestle that travel to oklahoma in November is getting larger and larger every year.

Most people that understand wrestling understand the fact that freestyle and Greco help the kids. So if we end the season earlier it opens up more time for freestyle and Greco.

Most of the kids in our club quit wrestling tournaments in February. They think the season is too long. It is hard to keep the new kids motivated that long. Look at the numbers at the beginning of the year compared to late February and March.Derby has figured this out that is why they have the novice tournament around valentines day. If new kids don't like the length of our year then how do we keep them liking it. Look at the numbers of 6u to 12u. We have a drop off. Why? It isn't quality of club or competition.

Also remember that if the parents think the season is too long they won't push for their kids to continue the sport. Practices three times a week from mid November to late march ,weigh ins on Friday and Saturday tournaments is a lot of commitment.

Our state has improved of lot of things. We need to keep improving it to keep kids in the sport. Ncaa is just another reason to end it earlier.