Looking at the State Brackets this year I have noticed that there are A LOT of kids with over 35 wins, and still have the State Tournament to add more wins. Personally, my son is 34-10. So I guess my question is, Is 100 wins really that big of an accomplishment anymore? I saw several kids with records of 25-25, these are .500 wrestlers that could easily hit 100 wins for their career, but also would have 100 losses. If Jake was to duplicate this record for the next three years he would be 140-40, which really is not that impressive.

Back when there were only 30 matches a year hitting 100 wins would fairly impressive. With kids getting 50 matches a year now, 100 wins does not seem that impressive. I think the number needs to go to 125 or 150. Thoughts?

Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary