It is like going to court with out in evidence.I look up a ton of kids and plan what seed they should have. This year sucked.

I for one do not care if kids run. They are the ones that suffer. No one should care if some one jumps weight for any reason. You are telling me that you do not want your kid to take the easy road. {No dont take the bridge,swim the river.] The difference is in HS or college the coach will move the kids around to the best weights for the team. But a dad sure cant do it.

Now after all of that you look at my sons pattern. It has been the same every year. He starts out in summer weight than finishes in wrestling weight.

I think if some of you guys don't have some thing to wine about, you would fall over dead.The names should be released at EVERY track wrestling tournament.It is just dumb it is not done that way. I do not get it. Could some one shed light on why it matters?