Originally Posted By: oaw
Stalling call fifteen seconds into the match then ties it up with a bogus stalling call in the third. Ref ;#31.ncaa d2 Twenty years of hard work surgeries and referees screwing my son again from Santa clause at Fargo to ncaa's the stalling call is bull. I thought wrestling was a great sport now I will never promote it again and when ask about it I will steer the youth away from it. In the big tournaments the video of the match should scored by the coaches and professionals so split second decisions are minimized. Well we're done with this my son graduates with his masters in December and hopefully I won't ever see y'all again. And no my grandchildren will not be wrestling. We did learn a lesson don't put you faith in the honesty of the sport because some one will twist the sport to there favor. If a moderator gives your name out then he is wrong. I won't forget it mr Sayler. I have know Juby and most of the wrestling family around the Nation. They are some of the best people in the world. For that I am thankful. So bye

Don't sugar-coat it, tell us how you really feel.