If they don't change the MS season, I believe the top wrestlers will break with our series, and the others will probably stick with MS. I see no problem with that. In fact we may have more OVERALL participation. Knowing the studs will not be tying them into a pretzel, we may get more MS participation, which will keep those kids out until they mature and are able match testosterone levels with the kids that have been tough from a younger age.

I don't want to shut down middle school wrestling. I want more kids wrestling. I think our plan, in the long haul, after everyone gets over the resistance to any change, will improve overall numbers. And it will get the largest group of cardholders, 6U, into the same series as the rest of the kids. I don't put a huge amount of emphasis on winning at 6U, but I think they should be a part of our series.

You wouldn't have heard me say that several years ago, so if a bullheaded SOB like me can change his tune and accept changes, anyone can...