I agree with Beeson and Cokeley. I wasn't going to post about this because I have a lot of good friends that were involved in this because of their head coach and athletic director. I am not trying to throw this at them in anyway. Back in the early 90's we had an incident that occurred because of home weigh-ins. We requested shoulder to shoulder weigh-ins and checked the scheduled weigh-in time with KSHSAA and this school changed the time twice without notifying us. We showed up very early and surprised them and after several phone calls to KSHSAA they had to come back and weigh-in shoulder to shoulder. Eight of the twelve wrestlers did not make weight (Sad Situation). This was at regional's. Some of these wrestlers were (seniors) no state tournament. The athletic director signed the weigh-in sheet the night before he admitted this. Both the athletic director and the head coach lost their jobs. You would think KSHSAA would have learned a valuable lesson and would work toward making our sport better and fair for all.In this day and age with participation trophies and ribbons you know this goes on.It is sad for the young men and women that are doing it the right way are at an unfair advantage. Shoulder to shoulder weigh-ins is the only way to make it fair. Kids miss school for less reasons than wrestling meets.