Every year we ask for volunteers to coach the teams - this year is no different. Coaches must be bronze certified with a current USA card. Please email me if you are interested in coaching

We can have 4 coaches per team - all coaches get a wrist band that gets them in free both days and a Team Kansas t-shirt. During each of the duals, one of the coaches must help run the table. I'd like at least 2 of the coaches from each team to be at weigh-ins. At weigh-ins, a coach from each team will need to pick up the packet with info and coaches bands for his team.

I understand the coaches may not know all the wrestlers on their team. Some of the coaches and wrestlers will meet for the first time at weigh in. While it would be nice to practice as a team and get the coaches familiar with each wrestler, that is virtually impossible. Our club, the Brawlers and several other clubs around the state run practices for the elementary and middle school dual teams. If possible, try and make some of those practices and get to know the wrestlers and coaches.

At the hotel after we eat on Thursday night, I'd like the coaches to have a short meeting with the wrestlers on their team. We can have each team meet in separate rooms/areas of the hotel

Thanks in advance for all the help

Dal Eck