I have an 8th grader that got beat by a freshman this year and have absolutely no problem with that, in fact there are more people that feel this way than are responding on this thread. Its good competition and gives us something to work for. There is no problem with the way things are going in 14 under and it is a choice for each kid to make when they are a freshman. They should be able to make that choice without adults ridiculing them or telling them they are a joke if their choice is to wrestle 14 under instead of HS. As coaches and parents we do what we think is best for our wrestlers and no one should feel bullied into making a decision they don’t want to make. I guarantee next year when my 8th grader is a freshman and he decides to wrestle 14 under, 0 f***s will be given to what other adults think about it. If he is doing well and decides to wrestle HS then good for him.