Originally Posted By: BigBlue6
Restated yet another way: there is no rationale for nor is it intentional for the 14U division to be any different than 12U, 10U, 8U or 6U divisions, but it is. It is due to Kansas using a non standard cutoff date for NO APPARENT REASON. If the state tournament date is moved this becomes moot anyway I'm just afraid that may never happen. BUT if it is moved the cutoff date NEEDS to be changed or you will have a one year age group for the entire year not just up until the state series.

Again, for education purposes, Kansas used to use the January 1st cutoff date. We changed it to be more in line with regional national competitions. It is not our fault that USAW chooses to use another date for those purposes. The September date tends to more closely follow the grade that that athlete should be in. As others have stated, the January 1st date disadvantages the same number of youth, just different ones. If you want to use the January 1st date, feel free to participate in FS/GR.