On the topic of congruence, yes the HS division spans four years in age; however I am opposed to its inclusion in the state series for this reason specifically and its redundancy. As to the 8U division, in my opinion it is the same as 10U and 12U in that it spans only 2 years. There IS a 6U age division, they however are forced to wrestle 8U in the state series as they are not formally included. Read the first post of this thread, it is there that I outline my preference in the alignment of the age groups by grade. My main problem with the 14U age group is the lack of competition throughout the year which may be leading to some of the decline in numbers we are seeing consistently in this age group. Yes in the state series that issue is covered up by the fact that the freshmen are dumped in then. Believe it or not some families are not able to do the significant amount of travelling required to maintain a competitive edge required to prepare for a state series that is incongruent competitively with the available opportunities within the state until the district tournament. Additionally the realignment of the age divisions as I propose in the first post of this thread brings the oldest 1/2 of the 6U division as it stands now into 8U making the debate to include 6U in the state series largely moot. You can then keep or discard the largely ignored HS division the way it is or change it into something that serves a purpose to grow the sport in the state which may be a return to the 16U division. I would bet back in the day there were alot of folks who fought that change, perhaps for good reason as it turns out. I would not simply want the freshmen excluded from the 14U division with the cutoff date as it is now because that would create a 1 year age division and that is not the goal. The goal is to increase the competitive opportunities over the entirety of the season IN THE STATE. Seems like that's the same goal folks give alot of lip service to out of one side of their mouth but then its the opposite out of the other side. The biggest mystery is why do high schoolers have 2 state tournaments and honestly I'm pretty sure that answer is $$

The opinions herein are Mr Bluel's alone and are not that of OSHS, Falcon Empire or any other entity