Here is our plan for next Thursday

All wrestlers who are leaving from Topeka need to meet at the Ramada Inn - 605 SW Fairlawn - between 9 and 10:30 so we can get the Team Kansas gear passed out

We will load up on Greyhound buses and leave Topeka by noon - arrive by 3 at our hotel and get checked in.

Once checked in to the hotel, I will hand out the gear to wrestlers not meeting in Topeka. We will have limited time though as we need to leave the hotel by 4:15 to get in line for weigh in at 5. After weigh in, I will hand out gear to any wrestler who has not yet received it.

Weigh in is from 5pm-8pm - we will be there early and be one of the first in line to weigh in. We need to weigh in as a team. For those of you not meeting in Topeka, make sure you are at the Mid America Center in Council Bluffs, Iowa by 4:45 to find your team for weighin. It is a one time weigh in so you must make weight by 8pm Thursday night. Please be on weight - you will not be moved up if you don't make it.

After weigh in we will go back to the hotel where pizza will be provide for all team members. There will be a Team meeting after we eat

Wrestling begins at 8am both Friday and Saturday. The hotel opens breakfast early and brings in extra staff in order to get us all fed and out the door by 6:45 to 7am. Sandwiches, snacks and water will be available for all wrestlers during the day on both Friday and Saturday.

Friday night after wrestling, there will be a hamburger cookout for all the wrestlers and parents back at the hotel. Yes, for us Catholics, I know it is lent - however anyone under 14 does not have to adhere to the abstinence on Fridays. Besides, I think wrestling is the only sport mentioned in the bible, so I'm sure we will be okay!!

After wrestling is over on Saturday, please stick around for awards and pictures. I believe all teams get some sort of hardware as there are multiple brackets - Gold, silver, bronze etc

It is ok if the wrestlers rides home with their parents - in fact almost all of them do - but I need to know so I can keep track of everyone

If any parents are foolish enough to want to ride the bus and keep the kids in line, I will have room for a couple on each of the buses

Last edited by daleck; 04/06/17 03:14 PM.

Dal Eck