i agree with what most of you are sayin.
i am on the team, with two other wrestlerett's/ managers whatever you wanna call us. that is really messed up about that coach. i look at it as this......if you dont want us on the team find some one else to go do all the other lil jobs that no one wants to take care of. but our coaches and wrestlers dont treat us like that. all the girls say we are so "lucky" cause we get to go to all the wrestling things to see all the "hott" guys, and we dont have to pay to get in. but thats not how i see it, ya its nice to see the boys, but thats besides the point. us girls are out there for a reason. its the same as why the coaches are coaches, or wrestleres are wrestlers. and another thing, i know that not every girl would or could be able to put up with the stuff we have to do, handle the **** from the guys. then there are other girls that are like how can you give up so much time to something that you dont do. but i know thats not how any of us "girls" see it as. i am so proud to be on my team. ya the guys can be jerks, but deal with it. and also for some girls its a "belonging" that they need. wrestling is a sport that you learn so much from it. most wrestlerett's/managers theres a reason to how they got on the team. their brothers, or family memebers wrestle or something like that. you guys say how much the cheer leaders dont know bout wrestling and some say the same bout us, but the more we watch, go to practice, and just be around; the more we learn. i have been around wrestling since i was born, and have been on a wrestling team since i was in 6th grade. i chose wrestling over basektball, and i know that i would never be able to go back and go for basketball over wrestling. i have met some of the most awesome people through the sport and have gained alot from it. GOOD LUCK TO ALL WRESTLERS, COACHES, STAT GIRLS, AD'S, AND PARENTS.....C-Ya in Witchita!!!